PluralSight trial and testing MonoDevelop | Apps by Alex Beaty

Apps by Alex Beaty

Showcase for my portfolio and service for the Apps that I build and maintain, such as Mancala Fantasy - Online

PluralSight trial and testing MonoDevelop

Tags: .NET , PluralSight , MonoDevelop ,

Today I finished my Pluralsight trial and removed my account. Pluralsight cut me off after about 173 min of videos even though they said 200min or 10 days, whichever comes first. Maybe they counted time from rewinding and rewatching the videos. I am counting the time lengths of all videos I watched. So I still recommend the free trial but don’t do more than one course or you won’t be able to go as deep into a video series. And I still recommend their service because they have a large amount of good content on many technical topics. Just letting people know what to expect.

I am looking into using MonoDevelop for Secure Chat Server 2 since it seems like the best IDE for Linux users that is equivalent to Visual Studio. But there are some important distinctions between the types of .NET Core frameworks available, and MonoDevelop uses “The Mono Project” as an implementation of the .NET Framework for Linux.

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